I don 't know where the title I have used originated, but I believe from events that have occurred in my own life recently show that there is a great deal of truth in it.
Without going into the gory details, my wife and I have been through a very testing period in our lives recently and just as you think things are working out, something comes along to knock you to the ground again. The amazing thing is that I can still smile, laugh and yes, even enjoy day to day life on this wonderful planet Earth where we all share in the same kind of experiences one way or another (life's rich tapestry!). I am a firm believer in the words found in the Bible in Romans 8:28; 'We KNOW that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.'
Later in the same chapter, verses 37 to 39 Paul says: 'In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.' The Apostle Paul wrote these words. Before his conversion he was a murderer of Christians and actually stood holding the coats of the men who killed the first Christian martyr, Stephen by stoning him to death. After his dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus he spent some time in the desert before being called to preach the Good news of Jesus to the Jews and Gentiles. We think he was eventually executed in Rome for his Christian faith.
As a Christian I believe that God does test us to see if we can still put our faith and trust in Him, as a child puts his hand in his father's hand and allows him to guide him, without asking any questions. I do ask questions (because I am an adult of 55 and have seen a great deal of life), but I still believe that God is in control of my ultimate destiny. I need to become more child-like in my faith and I believe God is working on that. As I believe that He sent His son, Jesus to die for my sins, I know that ultimately I will spend eternity with Him in heaven, not through my goodness, but through my faith in His finished work.
In John 3:16 Jesus says 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.'
Is God speaking to you in the same way as He has spoken to me through my life's experiences and what is going on in the world. You too can have the assurance of eternal life with Him in Heaven if you put your faith in Jesus and ask Him into your heart and life to take control. If you haven't done this already, why not-
'Put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water,
Put your hand in the man who calmed the sea.
Take a look at yourself and you will look at others differently,
Put your hand in the hand from the man from Galilee.'
God bless You richly wherever you are. Send me any comments or questions about this article, I would be happy to discuss any of the points I have raised and to share your experiences.
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